Wednesday, February 28, 2007

guess the spot

Now, people, put your brains to work!!!! And don't be shy and post your answer as a comment!!!!

1. Where is this image taken?

2. Name the fruit you can see (and it hasn't been named by anyone before you)!

3. Is there anything strange in the image?


Anonymous said...


1. Cape Town

2. apples

3. there are no gemüse in the picture?

Tomasz Wysocki said...

1. No, 2. No, 3. Keep on tryin', player

Anonymous said...

1. It has to be in sweden, I guess Stockholm

2.Kiwi, lemons, annanas, onions, strawberries, sweet melons, peaches,...

3."Rör ej varorna" you can not touch the fruits

Anonymous said...

Obviously you are in Karlstad, MN. Where else would they have a "Rör ej varorna" sign?

Now Thomasz: Am I right or am I right?

Tomasz Wysocki said...

Pere el Gran - 1. you are partly correct, 2. muy bien!! 3. that's a good guess, but keep on goin'

johan j. - you are almost completely totaly right, but there are other places where there put up stupid signs. Have you been there btw?

More guesses amics?

Anonymous said...

Oookay ... fruit!

... I think I'll do this in Swedish :-) ...

Passionsfrukt, physalis, nätmelon, galiamelon, lime, kiwi, kumquat(?), drakfrukt/pitahaya, granatäpple, jordgubbar, persika, ananas, sharonfrukt, citrongräs, citron, aprikos (?), blåbär, lök, diverse kryddor i bakgrunden.

Minus those others have already got right.

1 and 3 seem to be covered by others.

Tomasz Wysocki said...

Nice try Fredrik, but since you've been with ICA for too many years - you'll have to name even the fruit under the table :)

Anonymous said...

Ha! Easy! That's a rambutan!