I believe, it has been some time now :) I will try to catch up on the reporting. I am now officially in the States, but more on that later. Let's start with some pictures from Valencia, right?! Before the hectic time, Patryk and I took off to the semi-Catalan south. The city is really neat and clean and I can do nothing less than recommend it. If you don't mind experiencing nice architecture, an nationalistic political performance, good weather, enjoying the night on the beach lying on a dozen of deckchairs, not sleeping at all, having a two-hour breakfast in a small café while your pal is sleeping on the table, exploring Roman ruins and trying to sleep on the train surrounded by thirty kids, you should definitely do it! Patryk, I hope you are recovering from the Portuguese adventure :) Cheers!

Goodbye-fiesta for the office, the Barbarian is leaving for now

Valencia - Patryk enjoys(?) Paella Valenciana y mucho, mucho vino. They have good icecream in the creamery in the background
From above

Valencia skyline
If you wanna be rich.......

Yo, Patryk y Pere before leaving for USA/Portugal/studies for this time around :) Pere, we should have it at your place the next time!
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