Last Thursday was the big Turkey day - Thanksgiving. I celebrated at Nancy's sister's house in Waizata, just next to a long lake. The nature around reminds me of central Sweden, or Värmland, really cool :) The weather was extremely warm, +15 C, everyone being amazed, cause they usually shuffle snow at Thanksgiving.... We had around 15 people over, mostly Americans, but also a guy from Libya. There was the prayer, the turkey, the mashed sweet potatoes, pistache salad with marshmallows :$ and lots of wine. I had a bottle of Torres from Catalunya, making me miss Barcelona even more. The food was very good, as expected, but that marshmallow sallad.... was a new taste to me.
The Friday after Thanksgiving is called the Black Friday. This is a major sales day and some of the stores open already at 4 am. Since I thought that would be too early, I went there at 5 am instead. I didn't know before, that you could make Americans line up in a queue, but you really can. As long as you put really necessary crap on sale, it's a piece of cake. I found myself purchasing a minnesota vikings football jersey. And the dollar is still getting cheaper.... OH MY, OH MY.......


Bob & wine

Natascha & Boris (almost)

Bob and wine again, the perfect combination....

Black Friday - extremely long line, 5 am

Rush for crappy portable dvd-players

Chillin' pig

Minnesota vikings dude!
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